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General UO Chat / Re: Academic Bookcase
« on: March 09, 2009, 03:39:11 PM »
That is what I am basically repeated the same question I had when I saw that Craftsmen can make new Tinker finally made a Hitching Post (Replica) and that took forever to find and obtain those ingredients...any help I can get to find an Academic Book to made an Academic Bookcase is appreciated... :D

General UO Chat / Re: Academic Bookcase
« on: March 09, 2009, 02:47:33 PM »
To make an Academic Bookcase you need the following:

A Carpenter with 60 or more skill:

25 Boards or Logs
1 Academic Book

General UO Chat / Academic Bookcase
« on: March 09, 2009, 01:59:02 PM »
I noticed that EA put the ability for Carpenters to make a new type of Book Case (Academic Bookcase) and it really does look cool, but the problem is that the ingredients seem almost impossible to get.  If anyone has any information on where these books can be found and how to get them I would appreciate it.  Would love to know if there is a Script or if someone is working on a script for this.  Why does EA give Carpenters something to make and make it sooo hard to make it?  Do they just want to laugh at us and / or see the frustration in our faces?  Do they just like to hear complaints on how impossible something is in the game?  I thought they were being nice to us and giving us a cool House Decoration Item!?


Misc. Scripts / Re: TrailMyx's Disguise Kit Commander
« on: February 22, 2009, 10:13:38 AM »
What are the rules to get a character into the Thieve's Guild?  Does stealing have to be at 50 or above?

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Champ Spawn Item Stealer
« on: February 21, 2009, 08:22:03 PM »
The Script works so well that when I was full with 125 items in my pack, every new item I stole was falling on the ground.  I came back from eating Dinner and checked on my Thief and I had a guy literally following me and picking up every item I dropped.  He thanked me for the wonderful goodies and I said you are welcome and recalled away, then logged off!  TrailMyx, can you add a recall subroutine to take you to a safe location if full and then log you off, please!?


Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Champ Spawn Item Stealer
« on: February 19, 2009, 01:09:08 PM »
When I run this script it still tells me that I need to "wait a few moments before using another skill" repeatedly after a stealing attempt.  I want to make sure that I am using the pen trick properly.  I have a Scribe's Pen in my backpack and it comes up with the inscription menu which I move to the lower right corner of the screen.  I am getting items, just want to make sure that it is running properly.   I was under the assumption that the pen trick is supposed to lower the amount of time that one has to wait to use another skill? 

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Champ Spawn Item Stealer
« on: February 15, 2009, 03:28:59 PM »
Thanks...this proves the old saying, "That if ye ask, ye shall receive."  There may be a potential problem with me using the script as my Thief has no Magery at all, not even to recall -- just swords to defend herself. 

Anatomy 90
Healing 90
Hiding 90
Stealing 120
Stealth 100
Swords 110
Tactics 100

Will I still be able to use this?  Can it be altered?  Or do I need to drop some skills and learn Magery?

Scripting Chat / Re: Thieves at Champ Spawns
« on: February 15, 2009, 01:05:01 PM »
That would be great or is a better word "AWESOME" --- I loved to play my thief in the past, but there was no reason to play her as there was no incentive, except to role-play.  One day, I will not be considered just "Public".  Hopefully, one day, I will be considered "Special" (well I know I have a special purpose, what Movie was that from?  --- Ooops, wrong section)...I yearn to one day be with the big boys, ELITE!  :)

ORACLE (Ever-Hoping)

Scripting Chat / Thieves at Champ Spawns
« on: February 15, 2009, 12:30:27 PM »
Since the last publish now gives reason to play a thief again, I have been wandering around the Champ Spawns and stealing items from monsters.  This gets a little frustrating because even though I have 120 stealing, I still fail and have to use my UO Assist Macro to steal from the same monster over and over again.  The monsters do give some cool loot sometimes, though.  What I was wondering is if anyone is working on or has finished a Script to take advantage of this new form of Free Loot!  Perhaps have it follow the monster as it keeps moving when you are trying to steal from it and macros the steal command over and over (with time delay) etc.


General UO Chat / Re: Looking for the stump hack
« on: December 24, 2008, 07:23:05 PM »
So my question is this:

Is there a graphics aka Stump Hack that works with Client version (Patch 74) -- the current version?

Does the Tree Stump Hack work on all patches or does it need to be updated with each  Patch?  The last WinUO Client Mod at (, I had to un-install to get the Patch to upload.   I re-installed it and only part of the graphics are altered.  I really like the fact that it re-draws the trees, etc. as this makes it much smoother and easier for PvP.  Plus the Dragon graphic is much easier to see around...any news on this would be helpful!

General UO Chat / Re: Looking for the stump hack
« on: December 23, 2008, 12:45:32 AM »
Does the Tree Stump Hack work on all patches or does it need to be updated with each  Patch?  The last WinUO Client Mod at (, I had to un-install to get the Patch to upload.   I re-installed it and only part of the graphics are altered.  I really like the fact that it re-draws the trees, etc. as this makes it much smoother and easier for PvP.  Plus the Dragon graphic is much easier to see around...any news on this would be helpful!

Scripting Chat / Re: Does any know of a GM detection routine??
« on: December 18, 2008, 04:56:28 PM »

I know I need a great 'GM Detection Script'.  If I don't run my miner while I sleep, then I will have withdrawl symptoms all day long the following morning.  Mining has to be the most mundane and most repetitive skills in the whole game.  Recently,  EA finally came thru with their promise to have all of the different types of Granite stackable.  (Funny thing is that I write an awesome script which seperates out all of the Granite for me and 6 weeks later, Granite is stackable). 

So please,  :'( PLEASE, find it in your hearts to help us poor fanatic Miners and Fisherman help to fulfill their cravings at their repeatitive and boring tasks!


Scripting Chat / Re: Does any know of a GM detection routine??
« on: December 10, 2008, 11:35:38 AM »
I would love to get a good GM Detection Script.  I try and run one miner 24/7 and have been popped once, but not for mining.  I was running OMG's Taming Script and of course someone must have gotten pissed that I was taming all of the bulls all night long and paged on me.  I want to run a second miner since Granite now stacks and is so much easier to store...if I mine Ore and Stone on a Miner, it takes a lot  longer to get as many ingots as if mining only for ore, so I want to start a second miner...

Scripting Chat / Re: Suit Builder
« on: October 28, 2008, 01:30:59 PM »
Still waiting for that copy of Armorator...

I have been trying CEO's Suit Builder and getting past the Learning Curve...problem is that CEO does not take into account different artifact pieces like the Rune Beetle Carpace, etc.

General UO Chat / Re: Looking for the stump hack
« on: October 27, 2008, 08:42:31 AM »
What is the stump hack?

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