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Messages - Surr4

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hey!
« on: September 08, 2010, 12:10:56 PM »
Hi everyone, first of all I'm italian and my english still needs some improvements, so sorry about it!

Well, well, where do i start? From the beginning I'd guess. I started playing UO something like 10-11 years ago, i still had my 56kbs modem over a paid connection, you can guess my parents were not really happy about it ;) After an year i stopped playing but here i am now again, playing in a free shard. I started to play again a couple of weeks ago, and i'm still trying to catch up with all the changes that happened to the game!

One thing i found boring for sure, and that's spending hours clicking the same button to get some skill gain. Here it comes your help, considering that i have to build up my char from zero, i don't want to spend a month clicking a button to see sometimes a blue message! The time that i'm spending to click "the button" i could spend it to do some researches about the changes that happened to the game, and mostly how to get a decent gear, because that's the main problem i guess, "without a good gear you are nothing" ahah :)

Thanks for reading my post and i hope I'll get accepted!

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