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Messages - Wardog

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Wow, that was fast.  Thanks for the welcome!

New member introductions / I Love the Smell of Corp Por in the Morning...
« on: December 06, 2010, 08:29:29 PM »
Greetings, Wardog here, one of my many nicknames.  I first started playing UO just after Trammel opened, then quit somewhere around 2002/2003.  Last June I came back and am loving it so far.  Many of my old frustrations have been fixed, and the whole game feels richer, more involved.  I love the new client too, though it seems a statement like that could get me shot in many places... :-\

I play or have played on Lake Superior, Sonoma and Great Lakes.  Some of my characters are Lawrence, Warden, Xeila, Zyn.  For a long time my favorite template was a mage/tamer, and I still enjoy that, but have been spending the most time recently on my new mystic/mage/spellweaver gargoyle.  I have maxed out most crafting skills at this point too, but I quickly grow tired of clicking on little boxes over and over, and I have to go kill something.  I dabble in PvP but usually enjoy PvM more, particularly if I have a good group of friends to go with.

Why am I at a UO scripting site?  I actually like being present at my character and am not really looking for scripts that will automate the whole game for me.  But I get sick of many of the repetitive actions that seem to ever be a part of regular gameplay.  Along those lines, I hope to set some things up to assist with looting, moving purchased items into sub-packs, and cut back on the amount of inane clicking required to gather resources.  I have also been an amateur programmer from way back in my teen years and really enjoy writing code, so this seems like a good match. ;D

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