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Messages - kubism

Pages: [1]
UO Reference Information / Re: Mining Saltpeter
« on: March 25, 2011, 12:35:10 PM »
So i've loaded up Spewy's script, and tried to add the subs. I can't for the life of me figure out where to add the subs. I guess my past experiences in VB has failed me.. been too long since I've last did anything.  smokinjoe26, do you mind posting your variation so I can take a look at how the editing is done?

thank you.

A friend of mine recently picked up a gateway laptop from best buy for about $380 with tax. Nothing fancy, but should run UO just fine. Check out the sale section for deals, I'd stay with normal notebooks and not the smaller "net books"

So I've been running the script for the past 2 hr or so, watching it as it goes. I've ran across a problem. Once out of a couple successful questing cycles, the script will stop after the reward loot bag is opened. It seems to be trying to target something, since I see the cursor hand with a target ring on it, but its not targeting anything. Sometimes I see message "target the item you wish to toggle" in the background.

I can hit esc key manually, and the script will continue as normal.

Not really sure what the problem is, as it seems to occure randomly, out of the 2 hr or so, the script has stopped with the same scenario 5 or 6 times.

*Update: it seems the issue was caused by lag, as I was testing on my Clear 4G. Switched to my DSL connection, and it's been working flawlessly with no hangups at all for the past hr or so.

Props for this awesome script !

UO Reference Information / Re: Mining Saltpeter
« on: March 24, 2011, 06:59:27 PM »
Ty for the reply, I'm pretty new at scripting, but I understand some basic programming, so I have some ideas in mind, just wasn't sure how to go about doing the actions. I'll take a look at the script you mentioned, and hopefully be able to figure it out.

Really appreciate the help.

Recently got back into UO.. This scrip has been of great assistance in catching up with all the new recipe and talismans ! Thank you for your hard work

UO Reference Information / Re: Mining Saltpeter
« on: March 23, 2011, 12:12:02 AM »
I'm trying to add the salt peter ID's to a mining script so it will mine the deposits, but I have no idea where to start.. can someone please point me to the right direction?

Once the niter deposit appears, it triggers a message in the journal. I'm thinking there is some way to monitor that message and if the message shows up, then the script looks for the deposit item types and mine it?

New member introductions / Hello UO.. I'm back !
« on: February 22, 2011, 02:53:46 AM »
Hello fellow UO players.. I'm back !

I started playing UO back in the T2A days.. I remember going to my friends house, seeing this odd " online " game that you had to pay to play.. and was very hard. After spending about an hour watching my friend doing nothing but standing around decorating his house, I decided to give this game a try.. and bow I was hooked ! I remember opening the box and the cloth map that came with the game !

Back in the days on Baja, we would run around in Jhelom, sparring with each other and guild mates to gain skill, and the most fun being the all out wars that we had with the other guilds. I recall when Felucca was the only facet, and you could steal anything you see. This made the game very hard as you could loose all your belongings to a PVP if u were'nt paying attention.My fondest memories was when my friends and I once stood outside a rival guild's house invised, waited for them to return from a hunt, killed them, and looted thier house. This of course, is no longer possible under the new " noob " friendly clients.

It's been atealst 8 years since I last logged into UO, I've tried almost all the MMO's out there ( WOW, FFXIV, Everquest, Lineage, etc ) but none came close to the fun I've had in UO. After having a convesration about UO with my old friend, I decided to fire up my account and give it another go !

Although UO is no longer the same game I remembered, its still fun to play. I spend my days running around learning the new expansion areas, and figuring out what chars to build next,. I often find myself going back to what love best, stealing artifacts and fishing ! Since my old builds are no longer viable, I've decidede to make new chars based on the new bushido skillset. I'm also loving the new fishing DLC that was added, the new ship cannons are pretty awesome. Hopefully soon ater I build up my new chars, I can jump back into the action and join my fellow guildmates in hunting down the new bosses !

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