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Messages - Recon

Pages: [1]
General UO Chat / Re: Is there a way to revert to previous patch?
« on: August 07, 2014, 11:31:45 PM »
I had this same issue (just returned to UO and forgot about not patching), and there is a fix, at least on Windows 7. If you right click on your "Ultima Online Classic" folder (or whatever folder holds your client) and hit properties, there's a previous versions tab. Copy the entire folder of a version that's before the patch. Swap the two folders out and you should be good! I renamed the up to date one and hung onto it, just in case something went wrong. Hope that helps!

It's also a good idea to delete any shortcuts that UO created, as they point to autopatch, instead making them point to client.exe.

I know there used to be a way to get UOA to bypass patching, but I see it's already pointing to client.exe, and runs the patcher anyway. Anyone know of a way around that?

General UO Chat / Re: Just a personal standpoint and opinion.
« on: October 30, 2011, 10:58:40 PM »
Just found the thread and voted!

I'd just like to say how much I love this. Before I read this I was at 100k points (mostly from Miasma and champ spawns), now with a few hours of work, I'm at 2 million. Yes, it's boring, but 60k points in under 5 minutes is well worth it in my opinion! Thank you very much for posting!

New member introductions / Re: My little intro - by Recon
« on: August 22, 2011, 08:52:21 AM »
Goliath, allow me to clarify. Since returning I've made two new mages (a tamer and a necro), 120ed smithy, tailoring, and imbuing, finally got my thunter to GM carto and lockpicking, GMed lumberjacking (and soon to be carpentry so I can make armor for my samp) and have now GMed bushido and gotten to 99 necro for my samp. With the exception of smithy and tailoring I highly doubt I would have done any of that, and even moreso without some very useful scripts (especially the imbuing and lumberjacking!) I agree with you on school/work/family, I don't have the time nor the patience for that. When I played the first go around I was in high school, 14 hour UO days were possible. :) The quick skill gains and the scripts have allowed me to maximize my playtime and enjoy this game more, I probably wouldn't have stuck around without both of them. But when I think back to the hundreds of hours I spent leveling up a mage watching my character hit GM in a day is crazy! I'd never put in all that work again certainly, but the quickness of it does feel a little cheap. :)  Not complaining, just saying! Hope that puts it in perspective!

Thanks for all the welcomes (beautiful Gimlet!) and the post merge. It's a very welcoming community here, kudos to all you have built!

Off Topic / Re: Please Pull Forward
« on: August 21, 2011, 10:57:50 PM »
That's an interesting idea, I didn't know it was to keep their order timers in line. Makes perfect sense though.

Unfortunately I'm too nice to ever say no. :( Kudos to you though!

New member introductions / Re: My little intro - by Recon
« on: August 21, 2011, 09:49:15 PM »
The first time I broke free my account had been deactivated for awhile but from what I read on UO's website house condemning had been turned off while they were doing some update or another. I believe they were switching it over to where you no longer had to refresh your house if you only had one. From *my* understanding on the web page all house condemning had been turned off, regardless if your account was currently active or not. (I read it 100s of times, and that's the way it read) Reactivated the day before they turned it back on to find 3 of my houses gone, including a tower on Ice Isle (that was a big deal back then! To me at least) and a public forge house within town protection against the mountain west of Britain, by the tunnel to the crossroads. Remember when the crossroads was *the* PK spot? That house had over 50000 visits before Trammel came and turned Fel into a ghost town. :( No pun intended. The only house still standing was the one I cared for the least, just a small wooden in a forest. I deactivated within 5 minutes of resubscribing. That was a big reason I stayed away so long.

I know my forge had at least a  few pieces of phoenix armor in one of the chests, really wish I had moved that to the bank, haha.

Post Merge: August 21, 2011, 10:48:50 PM
Sorry I didn't include this in my original post but I didn't think of it then! :)

When Trammel housing opened I had a spot all picked out (different account so I didn't condemn all my other houses) next to the ocean south of Skara Brae. I wanted to put a large forge there and start a player run tavern, as I was heavily into roleplaying at the time. Some in-game friends and I had a plan, my idea with my back story, but they would help with staffing. No sense in having a tavern if no one is around to serve drinks and tell stories! There were several other people there vying for the same spot the day they opened placement. I waited in anticipation, the message came, I double clicked my deed, targeted the spot, a large forge popped up, double clicked the sign and...... the house wasn't mine. :( I had a few other spots to try however none of them were next to water which was a main theme behind the place. Alas, everything was full. I ran around just looking for any empty spot but could find nothing.

But then!

The revert. I don't remember what happened, but something went amiss during the placement process and every shard reverted. A second chance! And this time success! Looking back I feel bad for the person who originally placed and lost out but at the time I was so happy I didn't care.

We were open 3 nights a week for five hours a night (plus any other random time I logged in and someone was in drinking by themselves so I'd stay and chat) and had at least one event a week. It was a moderate success, some nights we had over 20 people while others just a few. We even had a website! Functional if not extremely basic.  My event to go out and find a dolphin and then bring it back was by far the worst one, not a single person showed up! Can't blame them haha. Unfortunately most of the friends who were going to help with staffing never did and playing a minimum of 15 hours a week just to keep the place open became too much after I was done with college and moved back to my hometown. Having a full time job plus seeing all of your old family and friends again tends to put things like that on the back burner!

The theme and back story was a tribute to the fictional pirate Domingo who had ruled the seas with an iron fist. The forge was set up as sort of a mini museum with books laying around with stories in them about Domingo's life and exploits, as well as examples of drinks (it was a tavern after all) with descriptions.  My personal favorite was the "Salty Brew", a concoction for when the sailors were running low on ale, they'd do half ale and half seawater. It was a house favorite. It was also a mini casino, it was in tribute to a pirate after all. I lost so much gold on darts, but made most of it back up on dice. House wins on dice! We had to institute a max bet of 10000 gold (which is laughable nowadays) as the high rollers would come in and with a few lucky throws they could bankrupt the house!

One of the things that amused me about the place was the proprietor was a simple lumberjack who would run and hide from anything bigger than a mongbat, yet here he is running a place in tribute and telling stories of the most feared pirate on the seas.

If you ever stopped by Domingo's Pride on Lake Superior, say hi! :)

Ah, fond memories, hope you enjoyed the story! I'm still getting used to navigating around the site, but one of the things I was looking for was an automated lumberjacking script that works in Ter Mur. Nothing I found at easyuo works in Ter Mur and I need some crystal shards. :) Any suggestions?

I admittedly know nothing about scripting although I wouldn't mind learner a bit. Don't know if I'd ever get into anything too complicated, I think some of the things a lot of you guys know/do are amazing. I do consider myself quite the macroer though, haha. When I played last year I had a bulk reg selling business and had a macro to buy regs from the faction vendors in the Skara bank, even had it built in to pick them up off the ground and move them into the bank box. Starting from scratch on the vendors (20 of each reg) I could run it and buy about 2 million gold worth of regs in 5 hours or so (might've been longer). Not that everyone couldn't have done the same thing, but I was proud of it!

New member introductions / Re: My little intro - by Recon
« on: August 21, 2011, 08:44:23 PM »
Aw thanks! It feels so good to be accepted! Haha. :)

New member introductions / My little intro - by Recon
« on: August 21, 2011, 08:28:25 PM »
Why hello there!

I started UO about a year after release, but we'll say late 90s as my memory is a bit fuzzy on that. I played until just after AoS came out, in fact I don't think I ever even visited Luna before quitting. I'd be interested in seeing the cancellation numbers in the period after AoS. I played a mage mostly, from the glorious tank mage to the summon/invis wimps they turned into. PvM only for me. Towards the end of my playtime I became heavily invested in roleplaying, I was even a Seer for a short while. I left during the mass exodus of Seers when two Ancients were railroaded from the program.

Even though I couldn't care less about PvP, the introduction of Trammel was the biggest mistake in UO to me, followed up by AoS. Moving on!

I came back in January 2010 with some friends (and only about 300k which was a decent amount when I quit, sold some "Sewn by" clothes for 40 mil, which went quick to equipment!)  and reveled in the nostalgia while also being disgusted by the new UO, mainly the lack of a community. I don't blame it merely on a declining player base, but also the introduction of more and more vast pointless space. (Ever run around Ilsh? There's just not much there.) While I appreciate being able to quickly make a character, achieving GM in almost any skill in a day just seems cheap. I do understand however that new players aren't going to stick around long if you tell them it'll be a year of practice before they can kill anything big. Around the beginning of summer the friends that came back with me left for WoW (bleh) which forced a sharp decline in interest from me. That, and the guild I was doing hunts with became stagnant after trying their hand at PvP. I stuck around for the treasure hunting patch (treasure hunting had always been a dream of mine but it was next to pointless in the current UO) but that was such a disappointment I left a short while after.

And now I'm back again, with a few friends again! We were burning through co-op games (mainly on XBox Live Arcade, few on PC) at a rate of one per every few nights. That gets expensive, plus we were running out of games. I suggested UO, even if we only play for a little while this time around $13 for a month is much more economical than $10-$15 every few nights. I'm having fun with my time here (mainly enjoy playing melee now, currently working on a sampire) and not just because of nostalgia this time around. I don't know how long this go around will last (Gears of War 3 is coming out soon, I'll be beheaded if I'm not playing that almost every night), but I do know this. Whenever there's a break in our group gaming (ie, we stop Gears 3), I'll be right back to UO! 

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