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Messages - insand

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Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: January 05, 2012, 09:00:28 PM »
Well I have managed to get around this problem. All I had to do was add numbers at the end of the variables, and the ones inside the finditem snippet.

So far i've gotten half of my script working at the moment because of this recent discovery.

Now my problem is with a snippet i've saved in (working condition) and now it is not...Fun, fun fun.

I don't have much to say about this yet, still in the works.

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: January 03, 2012, 08:16:15 PM »
Okay so turns out I should probably research a little more before posting, but these ideas come to me while i'm posting.

By placing all my script files inside my euox folder the program would auto detect the call locations.

I am still having the same issue, regardless how many times i split my subs up into call files.

Thought i should mention that i use the following code:

Code: [Select]
finditem  %MyITemType  C_ , #Backpackid
if #Findcnt > 0
   set %ItemId #findid

In order to use the Item mover snippet the way i need.

Also, both my item mover snippets contain this code.

So it seems that which ever snippet i run first, the main script seems to be stuck with the #itemid of the first snippet ran.

Therefore, when calling the second snippet, it will automatically use the #itemid of the first.

And of course, both snippets work perfectly while on their own.

Any ideas?

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: January 03, 2012, 06:08:59 PM »
Alright, I have one little question.

I haven't been able to figured this out yet.

I've decided to use the following snippet twice in my script: ( Provided by EN )

Code: [Select]
Sub ENs_MoveToContainor ; 3/31/08 - %1 Item %2 Containor %3 stack (Optional) %4 Wait (optional)
  set !DragDropWait %4
  if %0 < 4
    set !DragDropWait 15
  wait !DragDropWait
  ExEvent drag %1 %3
  ExEvent DropC %2
  wait !DragDropWait

Everything works fine, even during the reversed operation i ended up figuring out.

Here comes the problem area.

I use this snippet twice in my script to perform different tasks.

The issue is that the scripts cannot determine which set variables to use. Therefore i get items and quantities in areas they shouldn't be.

I tried adding the set variables within the sub, and that definitely didn't solve the problem.

The only other idea i have is to use the "Call" command and just have the second snippet saved in a separate file.

I'm not exactly sure on how to use the call command correctly within a script. I have read somewhere that "call" commands work similar to "gosub" commands.

Now i'm not sure how to set the variable.

How do i tell the "call" command to get the file from C:\windows\blahblah

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: January 02, 2012, 08:02:48 PM »
I actually figured out how to reverse this operation with just a few modifications to the script. Now my only issue is having this secured container open, but i believe i found something for that as well..

As for creating the items i wanted, i also found a way to do that :D

So far all is going well

It is now time to piece all my subs into one, and see how they work together

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: January 02, 2012, 10:48:00 AM »
Hello i have a question regarding: EN'S GENERIC MOVE ITEM/S TO CONTAINER snippet, found at

I was wondering if it was possible to reverse this operation?
I now need this script to take an item from a secured container and place it in my backpack.

Also on a side note, the last step that i need for my script's completion is finding a script or snippet that macro's to create a blacksmith item. (Example: Tools, shovels, etc )

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: December 10, 2011, 03:55:07 PM »
I was not aware of that. I did not know that the all the subs were related.
I used "everything" this time and it worked. Minor tweaks required then it's ready and i can move on to the other dozen things want to do  ;D

Thanks a lot, we're getting somewhere now.

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:04:54 PM »
That solved the runebook named n/a problem. Glad to see that gone  ;D

Now my issue as gotten further down the script, always good news.

It sticks around the the following area for several seconds then returns back to beginning, which repeats.

Code: [Select]
    finditem ZBN C_ , #BACKPACKID
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
      event property #FINDID
      if !runbook_name in #PROPERTY
        gosub TM_TravelFromRunebook !method !start_index !end_index #FINDID ; recall to location
        ignoreitem #FINDID rbook
        goto locatenamedrunebook
      display ok Cannot locate specified runebook named , #SPC , !runbook_name
  ignoreitem reset rbook
  namespace pop

My guess is that it's having difficulties with #FINDID variable?

p.s. How do you place code in a fancy gray box?

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: December 09, 2011, 05:32:23 PM »
Ah excellent i forgot about that

Well now i'm slowly making progress. I'm up to the point where it states that it cannot find runebook named n/a.
So now i just need to figure out how to change this.

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: December 09, 2011, 04:39:53 PM »
This is what I have:

gosub TM_AddUnderscore #CHARNAME
set %charname #RESULT



if #mana > 10
wait 1
gosub TM_TravelFromNamedRunebook SJ 1 1 BOOKONE

until #CharGhost = YES
while #CharGhost = YES
  wait 1


; %1 method
; %2 starting index
; %3 ending index
; %4 runebook name
sub TM_TravelFromNamedRunebook
  namespace push
  namespace local TFNR
  set !method %1 SJ
  set !start_index %2 1
  set !end_index %3 1
  set !runbook_name %4 BOOKONE
  if !method notin RE_GA_SJ
    namespace pop
    return #TRUE
  if !start_index notin 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13_14_15_16
    namespace pop
    return #TRUE
  if !end_index notin 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13_14_15_16
    namespace pop
    return #TRUE
    finditem ZBN C_ , #BACKPACKID
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
      event property #FINDID
      if !runbook_name in #PROPERTY
        gosub TM_TravelFromRunebook !method !start_index !end_index #FINDID ; recall to location
        ignoreitem #FINDID rbook
        goto locatenamedrunebook
      display ok Cannot locate specified runebook named , #SPC , !runbook_name
  ignoreitem reset rbook
  namespace pop

For starters, i have no clue how to edit these lines, but even without edit it should still give me an error or something when i push play? I get nothing

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: December 08, 2011, 08:19:15 PM »
Yea not so helpful, anybody else have any ideas?

I can't even find it in there.

I don't know much about this, so this is like giving a map to a blind person.

Is it even possible to put this recall sub into a 2-10 lines maximum? Seems you need over 200 lines to make this work...?

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: December 08, 2011, 04:35:15 PM »
I am still trying to figure out how to use the recall sub from TM -->

I'm hoping I know how to use the actual recall sub, i chose the TM_TravelFromNamedRunebook

and i would write this as:

gosub TM_TravelFromNamedRunebook SJ 1 1 BOOKONE ( use book named BOOKONE, choose rune range from 1 to 1, using sacred journey )

I assume that for this particular gosub, it does not require the declaration of a sub in the "SUBS" section

The last part im not sure how to do, which is to add the following:

;   gosub TM_AddUnderscore #CHARNAME
;   set %charname #RESULT

Somewhere in the script. I'm also not sure how to edit this line, and or, if it even requires modification.

So far when i push the play button nothing happens, lol

I'm curious to know how to get this to work in a very, very small script. I need to see this work in the form of "push play, execute recall, finished" before attempting to include it into any other scripting.

Scripting Chat / Re: Command help
« on: December 06, 2011, 03:09:33 PM »
Excellent i will try these out and see what i can come up with. So far i checked out TM's recalling and there's way too much stuff in there. I was hoping for something plain and simple. My success chance will be 100% so i do not need failure retries.

Let you know how i do.

Scripting Chat / Command help
« on: December 05, 2011, 07:48:58 PM »
Hello everyone,
I just recently got into writing my own scripts because what i need is not available anywhere, so far anyways.

I just have  a few questions about my script. There are a few commands i was not able to find, or figure out.

I would like to know how i could "open" a runebook by "name" and then pick a chosen number then use sacred journey to that location. I have searched previous scripts that use this similar style but everything jumps back and forth so many times i have no idea what's going on anymore.
( Example:
      if #weight > 400
     open book X
     sacred journey to X
     open bank
     dump ore, leather into bank )

My second question is how do i go about and completely empty my inventory, secure or chest of a chosen object (ore, wood, leather, cloth, etc...) into the bank or even into another chest for example?

Waiting anxiously to add codes to my script   :D

New member introductions / Re: My introductory
« on: November 18, 2011, 07:20:38 PM »
Ah excellent thank you very much.

New member introductions / My introductory
« on: November 18, 2011, 06:44:54 PM »
Hello everyone in Script Land!

I am very proud to join this site, and hopefully become an unrestricted user, YAahoo!!

A little about myself. The name is Jay. I've been playing UO on and off for about 5 years now. Everytime i play, i last much longer. The usual issue about me getting over playing is the lack of community support. Lately, i've stumbled upon a shard called "The lost city". Everything is ok, there is no skill cap, which is really different for me but also really fun. I enjoy not having to make many characters to actually get 1 fully functional character, example, miners, blacksmiths, leatherwork, etc all for 1 guy. Now i can have it all in one. The reason why i am searching for theses scripts is because I dont get to play for numerous hours, and many things i would like to do, requires a lot of gameplay hours. Im a 4th year heavy equipment mechanic, therefore most of my time goes to my job. Now if i could find a way to play when im at work, that would be amazing.

All i want to do when i come home from work is play ultima online. I believe this is by far the best game ever created. All other MMOs/RPGs are hack and slash and thats about it. But not this, this has wicked housing system, awesome crafting system, mounts, champs, just everything is amazing! Im stuck on UO for life.

Now about me inside the game.

I've always been into taming. Sitting back and having my minions fight my battle is just the best thing ever. I've made a few fighters but for an easy sucess tamer is the best way. I was never really good at PVP for some reason, probably because i dont stick to the same shard for years. On lost city i've already tamed many creatures. But this shard is highly custom so having 2x Grims only gets you about half way through. Haha, anywho, Too much to talk about here, i could go on forever. I'm looking forward to learning scripting from you guys, maybe one day i could script one or two.

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