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Messages - Veneno

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Hello everyone
« on: February 22, 2016, 08:42:50 PM »
Updated, I'm more of a non-fiction, blunt, straight to the point kind of guy.  I don't RP or write fan fiction.  That and my son is teething now and keeping me up all night. Didn't want to get into a delusional rant :o

New member introductions / Hello everyone
« on: February 22, 2016, 10:47:38 AM »
I've played UO off and on for many years now, been staff on a few servers, and even ran my own for a while.  I currently play on ABC, just received my 8th birthday cake there!  I'm a member of M guild.  I enjoy field pvp and botted pvm.  I play as a hybrid, mage, and dex to keep myself from getting too bored!  I run reg bots, lumberjack, mining, and spy bots.  I hope to make as many contributions as I can and look forward to chatting with you all!  I consider myself a beginner scripter.  I work in the oil field or what's left of it.  I have a 3yo daughter and 4mo son so my playing time is to a minimal these days!


Pages: [1]