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A letter of introduction From Slimjd33
« on: March 09, 2014, 12:40:04 PM »
Good day all,

My name is Slim and I have been playing UO since October of 2000. I put in a lot of hours way back when to get my chars GM and Legendary over the years. I am mostly a crafter but I do also go T-hunting from time to time. I fell into some financial trouble in 2012 and was forced to abandon playing UO until recently. I was upset but I had two children, bought a new home, and lost my job in the past few years time. I recently was able to open my accounts back up but I lost a lot of things in the falling of my home that I can't get back. Relics from a time some 14 years ago, along with a lot of soulstones holding the various skills I was swapping from character to character to make whatever build I deemed necessary for the task at hand. I know that I will never see those stones again, and I must start over on some of my more useful skills such as lumberjacking. I was searching around for a Lumberjacking script on EASYUO but it seems that the place has fallen nearly dead since I last played the game and almost none of the scripts worked. I searched the web and was referred here and was looking through the script library and came across some more recently posted Lumberjacking scripts and decided that I would give this a try. I hope that I can gain access and become a member of your community for the remainder of my UO days.

Thanks for your time,


Post Merge: March 09, 2014, 06:33:33 PM
Now that I have a little more time.....

I started UO after playing some of the original Ultima games, and found that this game was much different. I enjoyed the other Ultima games but UO fascinated me because of the size of the world and vast amount of skills and careers you could aspire to attain. My first character started in a city special to my heart, and recommended by the game for the class I chose. I started out in Minoc as a miner/blacksmith. I still remember the first time playing and the overwhelming sensation that there was more to do then I would ever imagine. But I was most inspired by the work you actually put into the trade skills and the possibilities that seemed endless. I liked that it wasn't as simple as the games I was playing at the time (Age of Empires, warcraft etc.) where you simply delegate a group of men to go get you some resources so you could go about building whatever you chose. I like that I was made to find sources of ore and then refine them into the metals I would work into swords and shields to outfit my warriors. It was and is why I truly love UO. I had at one time, before the use of EasyUO, gm'd almost all crafting skills by simply using them. It was long and tedious but it was enjoyable if that's believable.

I played for several years with a very limited interaction with actual players although I would see them, it was a scary event when I did because I basically had no fighting skills on my crafters. I always tried to find remote locations to mine where I figured people wouldn't encounter me. I also had a old cloth map from a previous  Ultima game that low and behold was true to it's drawing. It helped me greatly understand the universe of Ultima. I remember being deathly afraid of using moongates because of the PVPer's that would sit next to the gates in hiding waiting for you to come thru. I was always angry and almost always got killed two or three times before I just gave up on getting the contents back.

As I moved through the years I kept about my trades, crafting and mining resources from the world and bartering with people at the old Brit Bank, it was the original "luna vendor" back then, in order to pay for my first house. I remember spending hours spamming at the bank, but not being ignorant about it, in the hopes that someone would want to buy my wares and help me fund my house. My first house was a small workshop that I painstakingly searched the landscape to be able to place, finally finding a spot next to the mountains just south west of Minoc. I like that I could step out my door and mine and unless I was terribly unaware could get back to my house should intruders find my location. It was also handy to put a forge on the small porch so that you could just walk up and smelt your ore. I have to say I truly admired those simpler days but todays Ultimaverse is still enjoyable given the right attitude and intentions.

My next character was a warrior that I really enjoyed although I didn't know how terrible he really was. I went with a swordsman and healing. It was right about the time that you could travel to delucia and papua that I was inspired to make this character. I was trying out some mining near delucia, although somewhat north and I came across some mountains next to a building. I only later came to find out that this was the city of the dead and I was about to have a shade tear off my head and crap down my throat. I kept mining near there but with much greater caution as finding a healer or running back to delucia was a pain in the ass and people weren't always that friendly. I did start to notice that I would go by late at night (real world time) and there would be HUGE groups of people slaying monsters and just leaving gold laying on the corpses. I was in awe and thought that for these people to be leaving gold laying around like that they must be millionaires. Something that back then was actually a feat in and of itself. I quickly made my warrior and tried to meet up with some of the locals at the bank in the hopes of attaining some assistance and going on some raids. I would have to say this is the moment where I gained my second love for the game, raids. It's truly a feat to see everyone get together although on a dial up connection back then it caused some issues when too many were in the same area. I got lag killed too many times to count.  In the end I started to progress my character and was so caught up in it that I was often late for real life events because I would get lost in the world of UO.

I must go cook dinner but I will try to add more to my tale as my children go to sleep and momma bear is fed and happy :)

Post Merge: March 10, 2014, 03:33:33 PM

To continue....

So I had started my career as a UO warrior and I had embarked on my quest to become a millionaire. It was a rather lofty goal at the time and Dial up connections meant I had limited time. To give you some insight I am 32 years old today, and have been playing this game pretty much since it's inception. That being said, I was still in high school, junior year, last semester, and I still lived with good ole mom n dad. Now I'm old in game, but younger by far than some of the wonderful people I have met. But if you played at any point when you lived with your parents and you used dial-up you'll never forget the phrase "get of the dang internet I need to use the phone". I found that in retrospect to mining and smelting ore, getting off the "dang internet" on command when your using a warrior tested the line that one had to cross in the sand with the ole parental units. I wound up realizing that it was best if I just mined and smelted and crafted until they went to bed and not tempt fate with that warrior business. However, the minute I heard the footsteps going up the stairs, saw the lights go out, I was breaking out my warrior faster than, well as fast as one could when waiting for the robot noises on the modem to start sending signals.

So I crawl back into the skin of my warrior and tonight's going to be the night I venture a little farther into the city of the dead on my own. Until recently I dared not go past the back of the grey brick building leading to the grave yard until now. I knew skeletons and skeletal mages I could take, and as long as there wasn't multiple of them I could manage to kill the shades with some effort. But I had been working really hard and I was reasonably sure that I could make it into the actual graveyard and tear some stuff up. I had a pack full of bandies, my shield and sword were crafted as well as I could to face skeletons. I felt like I was gonna make some serious cash. I was pulling quite a bit of cash in already as it was, but as much as I crafted there were still certain things you had to pay for. So I stroll on up to the place on a trustee forest ostard that I paid 7k gp to some schmuck to train for me. I scoffed at him somewhat now that I was a big time warrior and what not. So I ride up, I get off my ostard, sunova bitch runs right into the graveyard and dies. Lil peeved, back then bonding was a pain in the ass because if you didn't have a tamer you had to be patient to use your good mounts and let's face it, I'm not rolling up into a spawn riding a horse, only crafter's  ride horses, I needed to impress the people at the spawn and have them in awe of my magnificent beast. Lil bastard is dead, and no one is really in awe of his carcass, however a few people did help me get a new one after they quit laughing. So I ride back up to the city of the dead on my trustee....  horse.... this time, realizing that the previous events had cost me an hour or so, 20 mins of that was people making fun of me as I tried to get them to get me a new ostard, the rest was getting someone to rez me because I had been pecked to death 5 times trying to find the next ostard.

So here I am in front of the city and I manage to get a few people to join my party and were gonna go in and wreck some havoc. I didn't consider a few things when I made this party, I just grabbed some people off the street which is basically the equivalent to going around to seventeen kickball games and taking the guys right before the guys that get picked last. There's a reason, I had no friends, and these people had none either. So we all roll in and I soon realize why they have no friends, same reason I don't, our characters to put it bluntly do about the same amount of damage one could expect when throwing skittles at a volvo. We just didn't have enough knowledge and we didn't really group that well. We were all trying to heal ourselves and fight, my healing was awful back then, was a work in progress but so was my fighting. We only had one mage and I had true meat shield in me, all I did was throw myself into the frey in hopes that they were too busy fighting with me to notice the guy casting fireball in the back, yes fireball folks. This whole endeavor was made worse by our ineptitude when it came to staying together. I think I managed to get killed 38 times in 15 minutes. I don't know what it was about me, my relatively young age, or just plain stupidity, but I could never just leave my damn corpse and say you know what, I'm alright that's a bad idea.

In the end my quest to become a warrior had lots of stumbles, but I did make some friends along the lines and we began to form a bond that would last some years into UO before the lot of us got busy with real life and jobs and couldn't congregate as we all once did. But it moved me into the next phase of my UO career and one of the better times really that I have had. I started a guild in conjunction with several people that were frequent companions on my quest to kill Lady Melisande.

We were small and probably relatively unknown to most but we were big in our own minds and we stayed the course. We all got together and paid some real life money to get a program that would enable all of us to talk to each other over the internet rather than having to type everytime you wanted to say, "dude would you discord these damn goats they're kicking my ass". Our Clain *-* (eyes of death) was actually a play on our constant time spent in the spirit world, but it was fun and was different from all the others we had encountered. We started to gain some notoriety at the lady mel spawn and I had the crafting abilities to outfit us with most anything we needed. Eventually we pooled our cash and managed to buy a castle from which we started our auction house. By the way this was a terrible idea. For one, neither of us had to abilities to type worth a damn because we were always using the chat program so when it came down to keeping up with the bids we were always behind and the whole thing was a disaster. We never really did hammer it all out.

After a couple of years with these wonderful guildmates I started looting everything I could from the champ spawns, and spent every friday and saturday night from 7 - 10 pm entering Items into random auctions and sitting patiently as people gobbled up my items and even buying my own stuff if it wasn't going high enough so that I could resell it next week. It became a ritual for me, but sadly most of my guild started to fall into inactivity and the only consolation was that I had all their stuff in our guildhouse. It all started to come to an end and I spent so much time at the auctions that I had become relatively well known to one guild in particular and they were kind enough to give me a new home when I finally abandoned my last few years obsession for a lesser role and more active membership. I joined the BEC. From then till now not much has really changed, I've never really lived the same passion I once did in the early days but I have had plenty to entertain myself. I'm just starting to get back into the game and BEC is mostly defunct. I have worked my way into a guild with an old friend whom I've never lost admiration for her dedication to the crafting arts. She's a real trooper and has way more wealth that I could imagine.

I hope you all have enjoyed my introduction and my exploits that have lead to my obsession with this game and I hope to make more friends here as my days progress.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 12:31:07 PM by slimjd33 »

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Re: A letter of introduction From Slimjd33
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2014, 08:09:10 PM »
Thanks for the intro, welcome to SUO!

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Re: A letter of introduction From Slimjd33
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2014, 06:07:23 AM »
That's a intro! Thanks! Restricted status is lifted, have a look around, and have fun. Hope to see you active on the boards!
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Re: A letter of introduction From Slimjd33
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2014, 06:15:59 AM »

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Re: A letter of introduction From Slimjd33
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2014, 08:30:35 AM »
Thank you for the great introduction!  Your story sounds just like me.  My home town was Minoc also, but I was a true adventurer.  I would try and die by the maw of just about anything I could find including great harts.  lol.  It took quite a long time to discover the crafting thing.  But after I found you could turn a profit by crafting archery items, I used that to finance my first house.  I miss the days when you could sell items for profit back to the venders,

Anyhow, keep keeping momma bear happy!
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Re: A letter of introduction From Slimjd33
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2014, 09:07:10 AM »
Nice intro it brings back the passion we all had for the game back in the day.

Tags: Slimjd33