Questions/Answers/Useful Tips:
Using the Logic interface - a quick tutorialIn order to form a complex rule, you have to have the individual rules already in your Rules Entry list. Once they are there, you do the following:
Example FC1 && FCR3
1) Enter FC1 as a rule
2) Enter FCR3 as a rule
3) Press the "Rule" key
4) Select the first rule from the Rules Entry (looting will pause - note the rule entry buttons change..)
5) Select "FC1" rule from the Rules Entry list and press the OK button (note that AND, OR, and NOT appear)
6) Press the AND button
7) Select "FCR3" rule from the Rules Entry list and press the OK button.
...note... watch the rule being formed in the Rule: textbox
8 ) When you are done with the rule, press DONE.
9) Now you have a rule [Faster Casting >=1 AND Faster cast Recovery >=3]
10) If rule is to your liking, then press the ADD to add it to your active list.
Things to note:
1) Complex rules are surrounded by brackets [ ] (script does this automatically)
2) Yes, you may have multiple complex rules chained together. i.e. [FC1 && FCR3] && [ NOT ring]
It does take a bit of practice to make the logic correct. It's a bit funky at first, but it's a necessary evil to be sure the user enters a rule that makes sense to the script AND the way it's entered automatically tokenizes the rule, so I don't have to parse it every time and this adds to the speed of looting. Imagine how long looting would take if you have to parse a logical string each time... yeesh.
If you want to see a mind-bending piece of coding, take a look at recursive parser that runs the rule evaluation for complex rules. lol. I never want to debug that again!
Q: The CLAw isn't saving my setupA:make sure the files it saves are being saved to the same directory as your EUOX.exe file. Just be sure to remove the "c:\" from the saved files.
For example the "pointer" file that directs the CLAw to your looting saved will be named:
(shard)_(char name)_aclawlite.txt
The file contents will be like this:
set %setupfile (filename).txt
This points to your looter setup file "(filename).txt". Note there is no "c:\"
Both these must be located in the same directory as where you ran "EUOX.exe"
Q: This script doesn't seem to be looting things on my loot list or is otherwise behaving strangelyA:In order to start diagnosing any issue, the first place to start is to only run this script without any other script running. More importantly, if you are using Razor, Steam or UOA, please stop using those while you determine if there's is a problem with the script itself. Those external programs play havoc with how EasyUO communicates with the client, so limit EasyUO to their exposure while you debug.
Attached is the original release of the CLAw here at SUO back in 2008 Version 0.756 for a historical view of the evolution of this script.Note this script was released for around a year before at UOCoders, so it's been around for a while now.