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Topics - dirrty_kustoms

Pages: [1]
General UO Chat / Looking for a good deeding script
« on: November 26, 2013, 05:53:16 PM »
Hi all, looking for a good deeding script.  Something that will deed ingots in specific amount and counts.

thank you

Good Morning,

I am using the TrailMyx Full Auto Fisherman, and was wondering is there a way to distinguish the normal vs. ancient MIB's?  I guess what I am getting at, this script will open the bottle to see what kind of MIB it is, well I want to trash the normal ones for points and keep the white ones or ancient.  But they seem to have this same ID's.  Is there a way to make this happen by adding some thing to the script or modify a section? 

Thank you!!!

Good Afternoon Everyone, I am looking to make my first Sampire.  Had a few questions, what make a Sampire a Sampire? and What are some of the best Templates out there.  I know it has a lot to do with personal choice on some of the added skills, but am looking to the experts out there for help.

Also, are there any good Scripts to help out during combat (nothing to do with training)?

And what should I be looking for in a suit and weapon for my new Sampire?

New member introductions / New Member Intro. Getting Back to it!!
« on: August 03, 2013, 06:47:36 AM »
What's up everyone.  I have been playing UO off and on for about 10 years.  Even though I like most of the update and changed to UO I still miss the Old days, and I am sure a lot you can agree with that.  I play a lot on Pacific, and have some characters on Atlantic.  But it is safe to say that my home is and always will be Pacific.  I use a lot of templates, some might seem strange but they but my favorite seems to be my Fisher, and Mules.  They just seem to be my money makers.  I also like running my vendors, for some reason I can never get away from them!!  I have tried a lot of games out there but am always drawn back to UO, I guess you could say I will be playing until they shut it down  :'( .  I am just now in the learning stages of writing and understanding scripts, and cant wait to give it full blown try.  I cant wait to get my first script loaded up when I get it completed so you all can take a look and let me know what I have done well and need to work on. On another note, I do work a lot so my real life job consumes most of my time now, but I still find the time to jump on and play as much as possible.  I have a great family, that most of the time does not mind me sitting down and playing even thought the wife does not understand how a 30 year old can sit down and play UO.  Told her to try it, it is addicting  ;D

Look forward to working with you all

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