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Messages - krs187

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Scripting Chat / Re: Galeamar's sampire hunter issues...
« on: June 05, 2011, 12:02:04 PM »
Don't we have a sampire script that's laying around here somewhere?? Or was that one of the ones that disappeared during the purging?

Musta been purged i'd assume search tab shows no hunting scripts without tamers involved which I prefer not to use long hours/long term too much headache pets lose loyalty certain scripts are non functional for monsters i prefer to hunt... Trog's/miasma/(occasinal swoops)/champ spawns etc... But it would be a fun project. :D

Scripting Chat / Re: Galeamar's sampire hunter issues...
« on: June 05, 2011, 11:58:58 AM »
I have never run that script before.  Hopefully someone here has an can make some recommendations or might spawn a little project to come up with something that's better supported.

Wow thanks for the speedy reply lol appreciated TM... And Yes it would be wicked to have something from scratch and supported that won't cause client crashes/and not a stand alone script like his... that is incabable of functioning with any looters scripts other than bmmagiclooter which sux... urs owns his no bosending built in... BTW i use ur looter daily... If u or ppl on here could in fact spawn a project i want in on beta testing....

Cheers TM!

Scripting Chat / Galeamar's sampire hunter issues...
« on: June 04, 2011, 11:17:29 AM »
Hey all hope all is well lately!  I am experiencing issues with this script here;
 Galeamar's sampire hunter from

People have posted months back on EUO regarding issues we are having in the script itself...  No luck so I was wondering if anyone had an altered version or would be able to alter it as certain event macro's are linked together and out of my understanding thus far... I will write list of common issues with the script hope anyone can assist me and make it function. :)

-Casts Enemy of One too often every 5-7 seconds...
-Other issue is EOO is linked with other macros in this event like LStrike, so when i alter timing it works for EOO but alters LS which is horrible
-Causes client crashes
-fails to honor many many times
-fails to heal with confidence even when i set the starting # of 110 in script to 99 or something, (I beleive this is set so u have to have more than 110 hps and drop below that set # of 110 to trigger this event which is also buggy and wrong...
-Should have variables of true and false and beggining of script here to be able to turn on and off heal with pots, heal with curse wep, chiv is fine but should be able to strictly use what u choose which it doesn't.

I know there is more issues, I just can't recall them all at this exact moment... This is the only sampire script that i can use as SUO has yet to get a hunter script which won't require tamers... ?

Anyhoo I hope ya'll can lend me a hand, or if someone has an altered version that is currently functioning i would like to have it please... :)


Scripting Chat / Re: BOD Recycling scripts?
« on: June 02, 2011, 09:38:25 AM »
Oh trust me it was. :D  tons of fun... :P feel the sarcasm yet? lmao!! I'm so kidding btw. In reality it wasn't that bad and i'm not the best scripter by any means.

At least i can admit that...
Cheers, KRS
P.S. Enjoy ur vaca !

Scripting Chat / Re: BOD Recycling scripts?
« on: May 30, 2011, 01:20:06 AM »
Always a pleasure! :D goin outta ur way for us script noobs... Again u R awesome cool beans im my opinion.

Scripting Chat / Re: BOD Recycling scripts?
« on: May 29, 2011, 04:27:22 AM »
If i have permission i can submit the altered version... up to mods c2 tm whaddya say fellas?  im sure script uo community would benefit from this working bod swapper?

ciao 4 now
cheers -krs  ;)

Scripting Chat / Re: BOD Recycling scripts?
« on: May 27, 2011, 02:20:15 AM »
Oh no worries! :P thanks for hep either way ! :D It has been corrected... few minor changes and bam working like a charm. ;) And no bods in two years! Holy moly were never too rich my friend never... :P hehe j/k and again thanks for speedy replies I do appreciate even answers...

Ciao 4 now!

Scripting Chat / Re: BOD Recycling scripts?
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:06:15 PM »
Aye it seems gump size was fixed on However... There is still the single swap of 1 bod, takes another then get's stuck over and over without fail... Seems like a bod book gump issue perhaps? or there is line in script that is faulty... It wont drop any bods out of the bod book ever... So thats why i posted asking for help any idea what line could be wrong c2? OR u able to fix it for all, as SUO is missing a good swapping bot?

Scripting Chat / Re: BOD Recycling scripts?
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:28:39 PM »
Agreed indeed! lmao this is a push for cerveza or TM to possibly post the updated links for penny lanes bod swapper... I downloaded the newer version from 2006 on Although it has gump sizing issues and only returns one bod and stops gets stuck also.  I was wondering if you guys could alter this script to help it function to save our carpel tunnel! :)

Again I would appreciate the help a whole lot... Cerveza posted to check the posts on here regarding the changes that needed to be made... But the search bar only brings up the original question posts... (So search not working already tried)

Hey XXII Your script is actually impressive depending on connection issues it's almost flawless... -recall to same location while blocked and lag possibly causing overloading... I have noticed the new 3.0 seems to have a lot less flaws than 2.6 but I read here that you were working on a new version of resource gatherer... Was wondering when that would be up and running ? I would love to test the beta for you etc...
Lemme know when it's ready..
Cheers! KRS187

Oh... and PS for those of us who do not require any more blackrock, perhaps an addition to the script opening window allowing us to drop it on the ground?  Just a thought would not cause item overloading while scripting for long periods of time ?

Yah was my bad actually wound up founding good one... I misspelt what i was searching for lmao oh well search bar works great... :P

Hey Hope all that reads this is doin well!  As I managed to make this scripting thing start working for me... I was wondering where i might find some sort of BOD filler script ? I have a ton of metal, bods themselves...  Just no script that I could find on here unless im blind or too tired and missed it?  LOL

A little help would be appreciated! 
Thx again!

Hmm i just changed permissions in properties as you stated... and the play button is still inactive ? not functioning still... and there was only access restrictions tab not capability. ? I set access to run as admin and nada

Post Merge: May 04, 2011, 04:59:30 PM
Thank you so much right clicked on .exe file and run admin was in list of options along with properties etc... and now its acually playing and also seems to be running initial set up.


aye i got that part now thanks... but for some reason the regular euo engine's play button never works with .txt scripts (and i made sure that i loaded the non openeuo and non .lua files)? :(  dunno why it wont play scripts i  got the most recent euo after ea patched uo recently...  Could my issue possibly be that my windows version is win 7? or would that not make a difference?

Oh i see.... well I got the openeuo version and the old euo version.... the old one is the problem where the play button wont work with anything EUO not SUO?? I am unsure how to correct this issue?

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