so I'm in the process of renewing a personal use script but I've hit a wall here. Its a highly modified ML quester script with LOTs of options, but the issue I'm having is the free server I'm on is having both a paperdoll of the NPC and the ML quest gump open. of course the paperdoll open after the ML gump, so it has container focus and has to be dealt with...
I've tried just doing a quick check on #contname = paperdoll_gump and then right clicking it to clear the gump, but that is seemingly not going to work for some reason. it just gets stuck in my goto loop trying to right click it....which is utterly baffling as I've never had a click function not work like that....
is there a way to muck about between open gumps to find the right one?
code snippet....
set #nextcposx 0
set #nextcposy 0
set #lObjectID %questnpcID
wait 30
event Macro 17
wait 30
if #contname = paperdoll_gump
click #contposx + 79 #contposy + 290 r
goto gumpcheck
wait 30
if #contname <> generic_gump && #CONTSIZE = 507_496
goto getquestgump
contpos 0 0