4lbs pork tenderloin- pineapple juice-liquid smoke- sea salt- chalula- crushed dried pepper of your choice- soy sauce- Jack Daniels whiskey (or equiv).
crockpot needs to be set on low, fill roughly 1/2 way with pineapple juice, add 2ish cups of soy sauce, 1 spoon of liquid smoke, 1/4-1/2 chalula, dash of sea salt, 2-4 shots of whiskey, and season with pepper to your burn.
slow cook for 12-14 hours pull out and set on plate. take 2 forks, 1 to hold the other to shred the pork. remember to pull with the muscles to allow nice long strands of the meat. once all is shred place back in crock pot to absorb more of the flavor and serve out of it. recommend it to be made into sliders on Hawaiian rolls.
back in my old shop i usually cooked 8 lbs and it was reduced to maybe 1/4 lb of stragglers.