Just a little thing I threw together.... stand at the bank and let er rip.
set %trackGumpSize 440_135
set %trackGumpClickX 333
set %trackGumpClickY 120
event macro 13 38
gosub GumpAndSizeWait NULL generic_gump %trackGumpSize
gosub offsetClick %trackGumpClickX %trackGumpClickY l
wait 5s
event macro 8 7
wait 5s
until #false
; %1 = GumpAndSizeWait
; %2 = Gumpname 1
; %3 = Gumpname 2
sub GumpAndSizeWait
set %timedelay #SCNT
wait 5
if #CONTNAME = %2 && #CONTSIZE = %3
return #FALSE ; no error
if #SCNT > %timedelay + 7
return #TRUE ; error, timeout
goto GumpWait_loop1
return #TRUE ; should never get here.
sub OffsetClick
set %tempx %1 + #CONTPOSX
set %tempy %2 + #CONTPOSY
click %tempx %tempy %3